Medical Science Centers
For Genetic Research

Medical Science
Centers For Genetic

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At M.S.C.F.G.R. we believe that through the implementation of
genetic testing we can revolutionize how we approach standard care
in the medical fields. The medical community has been treating people with a
“One Size Fits All” mentality but it doesn’t have to anymore.

Gene Testing For Most Effective Drugs Could Help Save Lives | NBC Nightly News

An apparent breakthrough in the field of personalized medicine: people can now test their genetic profiles to see how they might process a variety of drugs from pain relievers to more complex cancer treatments.

Katie Couric’s Notebook: Pharmacogenomics (CBS News)

Prescribing medication can be an inexact science. Katie Couric advocates pharmacogenomics, the study of how genes affect your body’s response to drugs, for saving money and lives. (

CGx Testing

What is Cancer Genomics (CGx)?

The study of cancer genomes has revealed abnormalities in genes that drive the development and growth of many types of cancer. This knowledge has improved our understanding of the biology of cancer and led to new methods of diagnosing and treating the disease.

PGx Testing

What is Pharmacogenomics (PGx)?

Pharmacogenomics is the relationship between a patient’s unique genetic makeup and their response to certain medications. Genetic mutations can cause either higher or lower rates of metabolism for known drugs. According to the FDA, each year, approximately 4.5 million Americans visit their doctors or the emergency room due to adverse drug reactions.

Cancer Screening

Cancer Screening

Cancer Genetics is a study of heritable gene variants that cause or confer altered risk of tumor or hematological malignancy. Genetic changes that promote cancer can be passed on from generation to generation if the changes are present in constitutional DNA.


Program Benefits

  • Covered by Medicare & Medicaid

  • Technicians come to you on a date and time that works best for you

  • Easy to read results to share with your Doctor

  • Early Detection and Prevention

Taking care of your health